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Archive for the tag “blog”

Stockholm data happenings

The weather may be terrible at the moment in Stockholm (it was really a downer to come back from the US this morning) but there are a couple of interesting data-related events coming up. The past week, I missed two interesting events: the KTH Symposium on Big Data (past Mon, May 26) and the AWS Summit (past Tue, May 27).

In June, there will be meetups on deep learning (Machine Learning Stockholm group, June 9 at Spotify) and on Shiny and ggvis presented by Hadley Wickham himself (Stockholm useR group, June 16 at Pensionsmyndigheten.) There are wait lists for both.

Danny Bickson is giving a tutorial on GraphLab at Stockholm iSocial Summer school June 2-4. He has indicated that he would be happy to chat with anyone who is interested in connection with this.

King are looking for a “data guru” – a novel job title!

Finally, Wilhelm Landerholm, a seasoned data scientist who was way ahead of the hype curve, has finally started (or revived?) his blog on big data, which unfortunately is Swedish only: We Want Your Data.



A Smarter Planet

A Smarter Planet (with the slogan Instrumented, Interconnected, Intelligent) is an interesting group blog from IBM. It discusses issues around designing smarter cities and also has a strong focus on healthcare technology and analytics. Here is an excerpt that I found interesting from one of the healthcare analytics related posts:

In China, a first-of-a-kind system built initially by IBM’s China Research Lab, enables sharing of electronic medical records across traditional Chinese medicine and modern western medicine environments, allowing healthcare practitioners to more deeply understand which treatment plans and techniques from each environment work best for specific diseases and medical conditions.

Speaking of healthcare data analytics, there is an interesting discussion going on in the comments section to this post from Marginal Revolution. The post itself calls for opening up data about how successful different hospitals are in treating different conditions. However, there are many facets to consider here, as the commenters point out.

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